Stuff. That's all, just stuff.
with apologies to Alice Cooper...
Published on November 23, 2003 By LordIbuprofen In Welcome
Annnnnnnd we're off. I'm Lord Ibuprofen, and this, such as it is, is my blog site.

A bit about m'self. I'm an assistant manager at a medical laboratory in central Kentucky, USA. I'm a dedicated geek-of-all-trades,
and most certainly a master of none. I'm into a wide variety of intellectual subjects (read: BIG ol' geek). One of the things I'm into is
history, particularly in the Victorian era. In this period, the mid-to-late 1800s, a lot of people performed an activity as part of their
daily lives that I find completely fascinating.
To wit, they kept journals and diaries. Much like this.
I find it amazing that the art of recording one's thoughts for one's self and posterity is enjoying an Internet-spawned renaissance.
It's a resurgence I admit I'm very happy to see come about. For that reason, I have this small corner of the 'Net for myself, in which
to record that which strikes my fancy.
And now that I've presented my intro, I'm signing off and heading for the phone, as I've got a call or two to make. Until later...
(deep bow)

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